If you want to obtain a Mouza Map for your land in West Bengal, the Banglar Bhumi portal (বাংলার ভূমি পোর্টাল) provides an easy and convenient way to make your request online. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you request your Mouza Map using the Banglarbhumi platform.
Step 1: Access the Banglarbhumi Portal
Start by visiting the Banglarbhumi homepage (বাংলার ভূমি হোমপেজ). Once on the website, log in using your registered credentials (নিবন্ধিত তথ্য দিয়ে লগইন করুন).

Step 2: Navigate to the Mouza Map Request Section
After logging in, go to the Citizen Services (নাগরিক পরিষেবা) section on the homepage. From the dropdown menu, select Mouza Map-Request (মৌজা ম্যাপের অনুরোধ).
Step 3: Check Map Availability
Before proceeding, make sure that both the LR (Land Record) (ভূমি রেকর্ড) and RS (Record of Rights) (অধিকার রেকর্ড) maps for your Mouza (মৌজা) are available. These maps are essential for ensuring you get the correct details.

Step 4: Enter Your Details
Select your District (জেলা), Block (ব্লক), and Mouza (মৌজা) from the provided dropdown menus. Next, choose the type of map you need—either the LR Map (এলআর ম্যাপ) or the RS Map (আরএস ম্যাপ)—and input the corresponding Sheet Number (শিট নম্বর). To preview a sample map, click on View Mouza Map (মৌজা ম্যাপ দেখুন). You can also locate your specific plot by entering the Plot Number (প্লট নম্বর).
Step 5: Complete the Request
After reviewing the preview, close the tab and enter your personal details, including your name (নাম), guardian’s name (পিতার/অভিভাবকের নাম), and address (ঠিকানা). Solve the captcha and click Submit (জমা দিন).

Step 6: Make Payment
The fee for requesting a Mouza Map is ₹150 (₹১৫০). Choose a payment gateway and complete the payment process. Once the payment is successful, you will receive a receipt containing an Application Number (আবেদনের নম্বর) and a GRN Number (জিআরএন নম্বর). Use these details to download your Mouza Map.
Key Points to Remember:
- Fee: The cost for requesting a Mouza Map is ₹150 (₹১৫০).
- Map Types Available on Banglarbhumi:
- LR Map (Land Reforms Map): Latest records for land reforms (ভূমি সংস্কারের রেকর্ড).
- RS Map (Revisional Settlement Map): Maps from the Revisional Settlement of 1962 (১৯৬২ সালের সংশোধিত বন্দোবস্তের ম্যাপ)।
How to Check Mouza Map Availability Online on Banglar Bhumi
To verify the availability of a Mouza Map for your land, follow these steps on the Banglarbhumi portal:
- Log into Banglarbhumi: Visit the Banglarbhumi homepage (বাংলার ভূমি হোমপেজ) and log in using your account credentials (অ্যাকাউন্টের তথ্য দিয়ে লগইন করুন)।
- Check Availability:
- Go to the Citizen Services section (নাগরিক পরিষেবা বিভাগ)।
- Click on Mouza Map Availability Details (মৌজা ম্যাপের উপলব্ধতার বিস্তারিত)।
- Select the District (জেলা) and Block (ব্লক) where your land is located.
- View Available Maps: Click on the Continue button (চালিয়ে যান) to see the list of available Mouzas (উপলব্ধ মৌজার তালিকা) for the selected district and block.

Before requesting the Mouza Map, confirm the availability of the required maps for your land:
- LR Map: For land reforms records (ভূমি সংস্কারের রেকর্ড)।
- RS Map: From the Revisional Settlement of 1962 (১৯৬২ সালের সংশোধিত বন্দোবস্তের ম্যাপ)।
The Banglarbhumi portal (বাংলার ভূমি পোর্টাল) has made it simpler than ever for landowners in West Bengal to access land records and maps. Whether you need an LR Map (এলআর ম্যাপ) or an RS Map (আরএস ম্যাপ) for your Mouza, the platform ensures a smooth and hassle-free process. By following the above steps, you can check the availability of maps, make payments, and download your Mouza Map directly from the portal. This service ensures transparency (স্বচ্ছতা), accessibility (প্রবেশগম্যতা), and convenience (সুবিধা) for property owners. With these tools, Banglar Bhumi continues to empower landowners with vital information at their fingertips, bridging the gap between technology and land management.
Other Important Links
Khatian & Plot Information | Mutation Status |
Online Mutation Application | Certified Porcha & Land Records |
Land Conversion Application | – |